My experience with my group was phenomenal and everyone did amazing in their roles. From the very beginning, everyone and including myself was eager to get started and plan out every single step in order to achieve greatness. We had just one misunderstanding about who is going to do what; however, it wasn’t something out of this world. I believe that misunderstanding only brought unity in all of us in order to complete the assignment. In which we did and at the end of the day everything turned out smoothly and went how expected.
The group that I was part of, was Group 2 and our responsibility was to go into board details about chapter 9 which included “Communicating in Groups.” In total, there was about thirty-six slides and every individual in the group withhold three slides of information or a short video in related to his or her topic. We all broke it up into small sections and discuss among the topic in just a few words. I was responsible for the section of the stages of group development such as forming and storming. I give an introduction of what a group should and shouldn’t be like basically like the do’s and don’ts. Finally, I concluded an overview of what I previously discussed and some important key factors to remember when working with a group.

The first group that presented was Group 1 and their topic was chapter 3: “Intercultural Communication.” With this group despite of being the first one and having technique difficulties in which it was prone to happened. Gave other groups and even the professor a better understanding on how Collaborative Ultra works along sided with the key features. However, once they settled in and finally became familiar with the program their group presentation was well done. They all went into deep details about how cultures tend to differ from others in extreme ways that was well done. Not to mention, the culture identities, as well as, a developing intercultural communication the group members did an excellent job in explaining and using modern day examples.

All in all, I believe every single group and as well as every single student delivered an unforgettable first project of the class. I’m pretty sure I’m allowed to say that not only me, but everyone learned at least something in the first presentation. It can be from a new skill in presenting in front a virtual group or something informative from the section he or she learned. Moreover, everyone should keep up the great work and should keep in mind that everyone is trying to achieve the same thing in which that is greatness.
Well you are closely getting to greatness!!! Great job!!