You Matter Video

You Matter Video
Special message for those.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Chapter Group Presentation Reflection written by Deon Gedeon


    The presentation that my group and I did was very insightful. Everything put in was very informative, beneficial, and intentional to the content. I’ll be honest, working remotely is very difficult. There was little communication hiccups here and there but to pull it off with everyone getting A’s, that shows we all the same mission to excel. 

    Group 1 presented Chapter 3: Intercultural Communication. Refers to the interactions that occur between people whose culture are so different that communication between them is altered. They were organized  with there topic, and had their own creative touch. They had some informative texts, nice photo graphics, but a lot of running time of videos. Which I love videos so much, I'm a visual learner, I felt that as a research it can be a bit lazy of you over use it. 

    The second group was my group, group 2. We had the topic of Communicating in groups, Chapter 9. Consists of all the verbal and nonverbal messages shared among members. From Families, support groups, social groups, interest groups, service groups, and many more. What I liked about our is that we tried to use all the resources to our textbooks, TV and videos, images, etc and not so much heavy on one thing. 

    Finally the last presentation Leadership and Problem Solving, chapter 10 by group three. They let us know the different aspects of a leader and their responsibility like task, maintenance, procedures and etc. Their presentation was interesting and well put together. It was informative as well visual with images for every slide. What was really good about this presentation and why it was my favorite, it gave us step by step on how to solve a problem. Identify, analyze, determine criteria, come up with solutions, evaluate, decide, and input the solution agreed upon the masses 

    To sum it all up, all of those presentations are great curriculum for every single one of us  to adapt and input in our lives. Once again, this was very difficult being remotely.  No whiteboard or written down intrusions. Everything is a text on WhatsApp. Typos, miscommunications, and rearrangements. But through it all we got the freaking job done the we suppose to. 

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