You Matter Video

You Matter Video
Special message for those.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Theme Presentation Reflection Jazmyn Martinez

The group chapter presentation was not an easy project but, I think that each group did an amazing job in their presentation. I found this project interesting not because of the chapter but because of the disabilities. I enjoyed learning about the different disabilities, the causes, the meanings, and the resources. I enjoyed the interview and having an inside view of how the college works for those of with vision impairments or deaf/hard of hearing. I was not aware of the amount of applications and tools that available for people with disabilities. I think the most important lesson that I was thought through the presentation was to treat everyone the same, and not to judge someone based on their disability.
As group leader, I am thankful to my group for steeping up and doing their part and putting in their effort into achieving a good presentation. If there was a critique for my group is that I wished, we could have worked together to play the videos with audio because many of those videos were heart warming and informative. One video I wished would have played was a deaf comedian how she jokes about meeting a quadriplegic and how they thanked her for not treating them differently. This was a video that made me laugh and touched my heart and I wish it would have played.
 For my part, I had the privilege of interviewing, the directors if ACCESS in Hialeah and North Campus. I loved my interviews because they were very informative about what MDC has to offer. Before this I did not know that sign language interpreters and note takes go in group of two. The interview also informed of vocational rehab which I had no idea existed before this presentation. The most important information I learned in my interview is that deaf/hard of hearing only like to be called “deaf or hard of hearing”, they don’t like to the term ‘hearing disability’ because they do not see it as a disability. I also learned about different applications that those with visual impairments use. I had no idea that it was as simple as an app on your phone to read aloud text from a textbook.
Every group was in charge of different topics group 1 was Mobility and Physical Impairments, Spinal Cord Disability, and Head injuries/Brain Disabilities. I think that overall, there presentation was very good, but my criticism would be that the pre-recorded audio was not the best idea and should have spoken live though the microphone instead. Also, it felt as though the group was concentrating more on the chapter information and then the disabilities instead of trying to merge them together. Group 3 oversaw Cognitive/Learning Disabilities, Psychological Disorders, and Invisible Disabilities. This is a topic that I find most interesting because I work with children that have a lot of Cognitive/ Learning disabilities. It was interesting to learn new information on these disabilities other than what I already knew. I also enjoyed the videos that Group 3 had in their presentation.
Overall, I think under all the circumstances every group did a great job on informing about their disability’s ad should be proud if their presentations especially due to the circumstances.

Visual and Hearing Impairment

Visual and Hearing Impairment

A majority of parents always want the best for their children. Only a smaller percentage can fail to develop a sense of responsibility and attachment to their offspring. This may be due to the upbringing of the parent or other factors such as ‘accidental’ pregnancies. The extreme concern and care for children usually make the parents overprotective to their children to a point they end up being ignorant and naïve of important information that may be critical to the development of their children. Visual and hearing impairment is rare but not a peculiar occurrence in children. Deniability has made most parents fail to recognize this or take proper measures to ensure the proper development of their children. Some have however come to auger well with this and have moved on very well. Acceptance and connecting with families is a good remedy for parents who find themselves in such uncontrollable situations.

Visual impairment is not in any way a misfortune or a disadvantage. Most people usually attribute Impairment to negative things. It was a going perception especially in the years before 1260 when King Louis the ninth of France tried to support the blind by establishing an organization for them. He set a rolling stone unto the disability and various other works followed just in an effort to support the visually impaired. Perhaps the greatest achievement done toward supporting the visually impaired was the braille system of communication developed by Louis Braille around 1812-1852 His works made it easier for visually and hearing impairment able to communicate at ease. Up to date, braille is still used and has seen various Iconic people emerge from their various works irrespective of their impairment. For instance, Marla Runyan, Eric Weihenmayer among many others. Technology has enhanced communication and currently, things such as Kurzweil education and Jaws screen reader are used by the impaired. Currently, King Louis’s work has been furthered in the U.S. through the formation of organizations for the visually impaired such as Florida Outreach for the blind. Visually impaired people do not need to be despised or pitied, but they need to be shown kindness by others.

Hearing impairment is also another form of disability that is non-negligible amongst most people in the world. About 70 million people have hearing impairment in the world. This is a big number to just forego and assume that individuals with the impairment need not be cared for. Like the visual impairment, no one chooses to be deaf, it happens in unavoidable circumstances such as from birth, diseases, or accidents. People with this impairment have had it rough especially in the latter years where some civilizations considered them “ a curse from God”. However, Ponce de Leon made significant contributions by inventing a form of sign language to communicate with the deaf. Communication with the deaf has made most people appreciate that deaf people are in fact capable of doing every other thing that any normal person can do. For instance, Gerard Butler is a famous movie actor yet he has a hearing impairment. It is important to learn to communicate with the deaf to avoid offending them or developing a misunderstanding amongst yourselves. Not at all times will there be a sign language interpreter to aid in communication and its therefore key that people learn how best to communicate with them. 

People with disabilities must be treated with fairness and equity just as other people would have been treated. Employment opportunities should not be denied to them just because of their impairment. A merit-based recruitment process should be followed and provided for adjustments for such individuals. Also, more campaigns should be done to ensure that parents provide the best care for their impaired children and also for the world to accept and care for the impaired.

Joana Yonel Hearing and vision disabilities

My second presentation is memorable. My speech professor, Mrs. Ssincoff, assigned my group a presentation about vision and hearing disabilities. I was confident about the presentation's content since I had prepared. And my group leader did an excellent job of breaking down the project and allocating our parts.
Despite the challenges of working virtually, we worked as a team and were helpful to one another.

I believe it is crucial to understand how to treat disabled people because they are an essential part of our society. We intended for our audience to have a better knowledge of people with vision and hearing impairment. We attempted to do so by showing a powerful short clip at the end of our presentation, by the way, was a complete success; which I think the professor enjoyed. It was mesmerized

  During my presentation I was at work trying to work and focus at the same time. I was the 11th presenter. When I began, I started choking.  I practiced sufficiently and prepared with my audience in my mind, used nonverbal cues, weaved stories, and kept things short and straightforward.

I think I'm becoming more comfortable with presentations and getting up in front of a large audience is something I know I will have to get comfortable with. Being able to present confidently is a huge part of being the occupation as a nurse. If I can give a clear and concise presentation on a subject, it will make it easier for my audience to understand the content of my presentations and not leave them confused.

When preparing my slideshow, I wanted to make sure that I used appropriate images and audio clips to give the class the best presentation I could.  Unfortunately, I had a short clip video to support my argument, but the voice wasn’t clear; including the  short video of the others teammate.

Overall, I have learned not to use too much text on the slides as I noticed from previous presentations where people got nervous and consequently tended to read directly from the slides.  Doing so took from their overall performance. Rather than do that, I would put pictures on each slide and use them as prompts.
If I was to change anything about my presentation, it would be to show my  passion and Connect with the audience a little more ,focus on the audience's needs, to concentrate on my Core Message, by starting strongly and tell a story .Moreover , we had a guess name, Miss Carine, she advise us  that it’s important to cited their our sources, so we have a clear meaning and fact incase someone would like to read the information any farther.  Although, some of us had connection issue during our presentation, but the professor was very patient and understanding of the situation.

In conclusion, everyone was satisfied with their part of the presentation.  We did a fantastic job as a team and learned so much from each other in the process. It was indeed one of my favorite presentation.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Deyanira Cubillo: Reflection on hearing disability

For the past few weeks, my group and I have been hard at work gathering information to educate and bring awareness not only to our class, but other students at Miami Dade College, about the realities of life for people living with different disabilities. We were designated to teach about different types of disabilities, as well as causes, treatments, and resources provided by Miami Dade college to aid people with disabilities. At the beginning of this project, my knowledge on disabilities was very slim and I believe that I still have a lot to learn. My group did an amazing job at collecting helpful and insightful information through the form of personal interviews and credible research sources. My group displayed the history of people with disabilities, institutions that help people with disabilities, and help shed some light on some common misconceptions about people with disabilities.

For this project, I was responsible for teaching the history of the hearing impaired, our current world’s perspective and also in charge of an interview . The knowledge I acquired during my research, which I will now try to pass on, came from different hearing impaired stories, research done by reliable resources, and studies that made it into mainstream media. The reality of hearing impairment  and its history is quite saddening, as millions of hearing impaired people don’t have the resources, or even the right, to learn and communicate with not only people who are not hearing impaired, but even with others with the same impediment. The earliest accounts of hearing impaired people in history were not positive by any means. They were looked at as the “less than” division of society and unteachable. It’s a terribly sad reality that millions of hearing impaired people all around the world are living that tragic truth to this day. 

history of the hearing impaired was an intriguing and tragic topic. Some of the prominent philosophers that we accredit for so many profound discoveries, such as Aristotle, were responsible for the belittling reputation that deaf people and the hearing impaired acquired in 350 B.C. Because Aristotle was just as prominent in history as he is now, his statement that labeled deaf people as “evidence of God’s anger” became the tragic perspective that society immediately adopted; and deaf and hearing impaired people were seen as an unfortunate subdivision of society that were not worthy of education for nearly 2000 years to follow.  

Lesly del Puerto Coto__My reflection of visual and hearing impairment.

Disabilities among individuals may occur at birth or when growing up, depending on the environmental conditions. Individuals should not worry much about the issues since; it is difficult to solve them. Therefore, it is essential that one understands and accepts a situation to live with the problem. Parents react in different ways once they learn that their newly born babies are suffering from certain conditions. Some of the reactions include denial, anger, and failure to accept. I think that the responses are wrong since they are likely to affect the parent's health conditions. Instead of exposing themselves to further problems, parents and relatives should acknowledge the feelings, inform oneself, wait for some time, focus on the positive, and connect with the loved ones. Individuals suffering from any impairments are not lesser beings since with the right care, they too can achieve their goals in life. 👀

Visual impairment is a condition that leads to partial or total eyesight loss among individuals. The situation is not new since people living in the 13th century recognized the challenges people and made initiatives to help them. For instance, King Louis IX of France facilitated the formation of an organization to represent the group. Despite that the formal learning process for the blind was not set, the leaders and innovators came up with ways to help the population. Denis Diderot developed the first education plan for the blind, and since then, the system has been designed to help many people. Parents should thus not worry about their children suffering blindness since they can still succeed. 🙈

Visual impairment has different causes, and hence one should not generalize the suffering people. As such, everyone needs special treatment from others, depending on the extent of the challenge, but many people fail to understand. Parents should know that there are organizations that help the visually challenged people and thus link up with them while they not the kids have such challenges. Another critical issue in handling the visually impaired is to learn how to communicate with them without offending them. It is also essential for people to understand the need for aids to help the population live efficiently. Various people with a visual impairment such as Marla Runyan, athletes, and Helen Adams have succeeded in life, and offering the right support is essential. 🙉

Hearing impairment is also known as hearing loss and is the total or partial decrease in detecting sounds. The condition may occur at birth or other stages in life, depending on certain factors. In the same way, people with hearing challenges need proper treatment for them to succeed in life. Hearing loss come in three different ways, such as conductive, sensorineural, and mixed hearing loss. Understanding the challenge is essential for treatment and handling practices to enhance quality life for the affected. Deafness was first reported in the 18th century, and much development has been made to better the lives of the affected. However, much has to be done to ensure that all the affected individuals access quality education and opportunities. 👂

Parents should consider seeking help from the available organization for the deaf. The organizations will facilitate the allocation of appropriate aids to the deaf and promote education and achievement of goals. Additionally, I think it is vital that individuals learn proper ways to communicate with the affected without hurting them. Having the right knowledge and resources will facilitate the success of disabled people and encourage interactions with everyone. Individuals such as Gerard Butler and Pete Townshend are examples of successful people despite their hearing challenges. 💖


Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Pedro Montero Reflection Essay

    The first big assignment for professor Sinkoff's class was a group project. Group projects can be a great tool in teaching people to cooperate with each other. It also helps when trying to ensure that everyone in a class learns about multiple topics together. This project took the form of a PowerPoint Presentation in which selected chapters from the class book were discussed. The selected chapters were split between three groups. The presentations went very smoothly and everyone did a good job presenting their information. 
    Group one was assigned chapter three. Their presentation talked about Intercultural Communication. The group described how problems can arise when members of different cultures try to communicate with each other. The group did an amazing job explaining their information. They used videos which were entertaining and educational. They also were not confusing and seemed well prepared for their presentation. By the end, they had clearly explained the central idea of chapter three: understanding differences in culture is key in communicating inter-culturally. 
    Group two was assigned chapter nine. Chapter nine goes over communicating in groups. This is the group to which I was assigned. Our chapter went over types of groups, virtual groups and their challenges, conflicts within groups, and the different types of conflicts that arise within groups. In addition, we learned the many solutions to conflicts that arise in groups. My opinion is that our group presentation was superb. I was pleased with the PowerPoint and the presentation as a whole. I think that we effectively communicated the highlights of our chapter without spending too much time on any subject, which was a fear I had with all the information.
    Group three assigned chapter ten: leadership and problem solving. The group taught the class that groups who work effectively will increase productivity, boost  morale, and generate more chemistry among all group members. Moreover, they discussed leaders and their high level of experience. Group three also went into depth about solutions to communication problems. Overall the group did an excellent job with their presentation and were very engaging.
    In conclusion, each group had a well rounded presentation. The project educated its members on communication and its fundamentals. I enjoyed this assignment not only because of the topics that were addressed but also because it involved the creative process in making the presentation. The use of images and videos in the PowerPoints kept the presentation interesting as well as the members of the groups and their well preparedness. I consider the first major assignment a huge success and the professor seems to think the same.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Chapter Group Presentation Reflection written by Deon Gedeon


    The presentation that my group and I did was very insightful. Everything put in was very informative, beneficial, and intentional to the content. I’ll be honest, working remotely is very difficult. There was little communication hiccups here and there but to pull it off with everyone getting A’s, that shows we all the same mission to excel. 

    Group 1 presented Chapter 3: Intercultural Communication. Refers to the interactions that occur between people whose culture are so different that communication between them is altered. They were organized  with there topic, and had their own creative touch. They had some informative texts, nice photo graphics, but a lot of running time of videos. Which I love videos so much, I'm a visual learner, I felt that as a research it can be a bit lazy of you over use it. 

    The second group was my group, group 2. We had the topic of Communicating in groups, Chapter 9. Consists of all the verbal and nonverbal messages shared among members. From Families, support groups, social groups, interest groups, service groups, and many more. What I liked about our is that we tried to use all the resources to our textbooks, TV and videos, images, etc and not so much heavy on one thing. 

    Finally the last presentation Leadership and Problem Solving, chapter 10 by group three. They let us know the different aspects of a leader and their responsibility like task, maintenance, procedures and etc. Their presentation was interesting and well put together. It was informative as well visual with images for every slide. What was really good about this presentation and why it was my favorite, it gave us step by step on how to solve a problem. Identify, analyze, determine criteria, come up with solutions, evaluate, decide, and input the solution agreed upon the masses 

    To sum it all up, all of those presentations are great curriculum for every single one of us  to adapt and input in our lives. Once again, this was very difficult being remotely.  No whiteboard or written down intrusions. Everything is a text on WhatsApp. Typos, miscommunications, and rearrangements. But through it all we got the freaking job done the we suppose to. 

Monday, June 15, 2020

Liza Blanco- Reflection Essay

    Remote learning has not only been challenging but also something out of the ordinary for most students. Remote learning is quite complicated for the majority of students, but it didn’t seem to affect any of the presentations. All the groups did a great job speaking about the chapters assigned and remained organized through it all. Everyone communicated very well with their group and demonstrated good teamwork skills. Despite the fact that it was a bit of a challenge figuring it all out everyone was able to put together an amazing presentation.
    Group one was assigned chapter three which is about Intercultural Communication. The chapter also covers culture and communication, dominant cultures, co-cultures, cultural identity, how cultures differ, and developing intercultural communication competence. Group one did a good job demonstrating the information. They included two videos in order for classmates to see and understand more of what they were trying to get across with their topics. This chapter was interesting, and the group made it easier to understand by providing the class with videos. 
    Group two was my group and we were assigned chapter nine which was related to communicating in groups. The chapter included the nature and types of groups, characteristics of healthy groups, stages of group development, and conflict in groups. We divided the topics in each lesson among two to three group members based on our knowledge. All the members made sure our classmates understood the topics by sharing briefly their point of views. The experience I had with my group was amazing because I feel like we stayed in contact while working on our presentation. We created a WhatsApp group chat in order to discuss our topic and I think that’s the main reason why we had a successful presentation. We had a very well-organized presentation with pictures on each slide and we worked well as a team.
    Group three was assigned chapter ten which was related to leadership and problem solving. This chapter covered topics such as leadership, effective meetings, systematic problem solving, communicating group solutions, and evaluating group effectiveness. This group did a great job presenting and remained organized throughout their presentation. They provided us with information based on group communication which will help the class throughout the semester. Not only did this group have great organization and teamwork skills but also had confidence. All group members spoke about their topic with lots of confidence and knew their information very well.
    Overall, working with groups and meeting group members remotely was a success for all of us. Everyone did an outstanding job organizing and putting time into their presentation. Although it has been quite a different semester due to the circumstances being faced with COVID-19 all students seemed to get around the issue in an excellent manner. I have a great feeling about this semester, and I know it will be successful with the help and guidance of our professor Sherri Sinkoff. Besides the challenges being faced during remote learning it will result in students gaining more confidence to speak up and develop great teamwork and organization skills. 

Reflection on Presentations Frank Garcia

First of all, we must mention the times we live in, without a doubt these are very difficult times and something positive we have to get from this. Communication is the basis of everything, that is why this class is so important to me. This idea of presenting the chapters for groups seems great to me, the teacher is giving us excellent mechanisms. Bearing in mind the situation we find ourselves in, I see that we all did an excellent job with our presentations, the content was explained in a masterful way and I think that in general, we have all been able to learn from each chapter. 

Group one in charge of exposing chapter 3 did an excellent job. The PowerPoint-style elaborated from a very subtle and affordable mind to the development of each one of its members. This chapter is of tremendous importance because it talks about communication and culture, and how everything is correlated. For example, I was able to learn that communication differs from culture to culture, and how intercultural communication is present in the United States, and how this country is a multicultural society. 

Special mention to group 2 in charge of presenting chapter 9 "Communication in groups" of which I am a member. First I want to highlight the excellent work that each member of this team did, that from the beginning we all showed a willingness and attitude to achieve the goal as a team, a goal that was to get them in the most correct way possible. The most important thing I could learn is that it is very important to learn to work as a team and that the human being itself is a social entity. 

Last but not least group 3 was in charge of presenting chapter 10 "Group leadership and problem solving", excellent work of this team using very effective ways to get the idea and content of this chapter to us. It is very important to highlight the role of a leader, how he takes charge, and influences a group to achieve a common goal. I have also been able to understand how effective it is to identify and define a problem.

Overall I think we all did a great job and each of us accomplished the goal of introducing to our peers the respective content of the chapters that were assigned to us. Now I am more clear about the importance and effectiveness of communication.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Lila Sharma: Group Presentation Reflection

We were in group presenting in speech class where three groups presented three different chapters. Presentation were relevant to the speech and communication and had a lot of information shared. It was done in virtual class through PowerPoint slides. All the group had great input and shared knowledge on a specific topic using valuable tools. It helps me understand the topic and the contest was informative.

                 First, group 1 described ‘intercultural communication’.

It communicated about the culture and mentioned that it is a way of life that make relationship between different peoples. It is a group of people that share value, beliefs, attitude and guidance. Hence, it gives people’s identification. Different group has different culture, and everyone should respect every culture. For example, USA is multicultural, and people has separate ways to celebrate their culture. The united states constitution gives equal rights and opportunities for all culture. Religion is a ritual and ethical belief. Around the world, different kind of religion are practiced and all of them teaches to be optimistic and kind. Intercultural community members need high degree of patience, being aware of other cultural norms and value.

               Secondly, group 2 explained about ‘Communication in group’, that is helpful to share verbal and nonverbal message among members which gives positive or negative experience. One group type is

a family who are related by blood or ancestry. It is close and intimate group which carries social value and outlook. Creating social group has common objects of attention who have common loyalty in similar activities. People who has same hippies, interest and activities make me one group like, clubs, protest group, etc. They can share interested among each other. Some are suffering of cancer alcoholics or anonymous, those people need to be encouraged, understand the feeling and solve the problem. Another is virtual group where members meet in technological media from different physical location such as Facebook, Instagram etc. The other is service group which does charitable works to raise money and do social activities. Group members complete a desired task which bring much blessing to everyone involved.  Healthy groups have ethical goals that is independent, cohesive, accountable, and produce norms, hence, result in achieving their goals. When you include everyone on your team, there is possibility that everyone wins the task. Sometime, group becomes storming due to lack of communication, negative moral judgement and negative attitude. Therefore, groups have conflict which is also a common feature in human organization.

                  Thirdly, group 3 presented about ‘leadership’. A group leadership has common goal to achieve. Group members give information and opinion for the discussion

during group meeting. Then they analyze the people communicating and make a conclusion. Leadership has a supporter who encourage others to give opinions. Interpreters who has knowledge about different culture can help to understand other members. Procedural leadership prove support to make decision such as arranging the group meeting, supply equipment etc. Leadership has responsibilities that all members should follow such as commitment to the group, complete individual work etc. At the end, every member must study the agenda and summarize decision.

In my opinion, each group presented informative discussion and they used helpful tools such as pictures and videos in their topic to convey the information. Generally, I learned about how to communicate in group. Each person’s presentation was unique and clear. I have learned a lot from this first presentation, and I hope, I will learn more and more over the class.


Deyanira Cubillo My Reflection

    Due to COVID-19s impact on our daily lives, we’ve reinvented our routines and way of life. As our classes became remote and taught through blackboard collaborate, I couldn’t help but feel anxious at my ability to continue performing well and acquiring good grades. The concept of remote learning is new to many of us, but I’m grateful for the opportunity of being a part of this class,  and to be able to work with a group, along with the guidance of professor Sheryl . Groups help us feel more comfortable, as well as stimulate new ideas during a time when we feel that we have no creativity. The Following  summary of the   three group presentations shows the advantages of working in groups

Different countries communicating 
Group one was composed of twelve people and did amazing at teaching chapter 3, intercultural communication. In this presentation we learned how values and beliefs differ and can affect the way  we communicate within a group. The group did amazing at using Florida as an example of an intercultural place. Our state is home to different races, ethnicity, languages and religions. Understanding how cultures differ would help to understand why people act and behave the way they do. Effective Intercultural communication diminishes problems related to stereotypes and allows us to work in a more comfortable environment. 

A group of four people talking.

    I had the pleasure to work in group two, we were composed of thirteen people, my group and I were in charge of  teaching chapter 9, Communicating In Groups. First, we learned about the nature and types of groups. As my group explains,  there are different types of groups such as; support groups and  interest groups. Groups are formed when people share the same values and  through their communication they feel  a sense of home and identity.  for some people this sense of belonging is acquired by interacting with people that show support, compassion and empathy. I'm very happy with the outcome of our group presentation and the work we did together.  

Characteristics of a leader.

    In group three all of twelve students did amazing their hard work focuses on chapter 10. This chapter is about leadership and problem solving. As we learned, working with groups can be challenging  but working effectively as a team has its many benefits. Working in groups can generate new ideas, develop stronger communication skills and develop new approaches to problem solving. Group three did well on covering the most important parts of the chapter though examples and pictures.

     In conclusion, all three  groups gave their best in my opinion,  and their hard work can be seen on  each presentation. Each presentation is unique and clearly shows all classmates really understand the subject that they were presenting. I in turn learned a-lot from all the groups and hope to use and then pass on this information to others. I will apply the information that i have learned in my every day life. Overall each groups presentations were well organized and the pictures and videos used were on topic and really helped bring a visual to each presentation.